Three cups of tea, awaiting spring….

It has been a while since I bought a book from a book store. The fact that Borders offers a glimpse into the first few pages, online, has made it one less reason to visit a book store, although I would still prefer to sit beside a wall of books, pick out one at random, and read for hours. So when I entered Borders (the store) a week back, I felt a sudden urge to raid the place. The result – I had to take a cab back home, unable to carry the four bags of books I managed to purchase, after five hours and walk in the cold!!

Back to the title, Three cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin, was one of the books I picked up from the store. It must have been the Persian quote – “When it is dark enough, you can see the stars” – in the beginning of the first chapter or perhaps the quote at the back of the book – “Here (in Pakistan and Afghanistan), we drink three cups of tea to do business, the first you are a stranger, the second you become a friend and the third, you join the family.”, that lead me to buy this. But I must admit, it has been an intriguing experience, reading the very little that I have managed so far.

The book is about a man whose failed attempt to scale the Karakoram ranges, known to be the toughest to scale, saw him lose his way on the route back and end up in a small village at the foot of the mountains. His experiences there and how he managed to get back to setup schools in a place where children used twigs and muddy grounds to learn to write their first alphabets, forms the gist of this real-life tale.

However, the style of writing caught me off-guard towards the middle (in fact thats where I am right now), where a crisp yet dreamy flow suddenly got taken over by a factual narration. I guess that is usually the case with all the books authored by more than one person, this being my first.

Drifting away from the teas, it has been a rather the dry patch, the last couple of weeks, with work consuming a rather unimaginably large chunk of the bandwidth. So while I wait for Spring to get back, here is a shot on the current status – dry and grounded.

Dry and Grounded

This game called life, no one said its fair!

There are times when “life” gives you just one chance for a possibility of making things happen. And a slight apprehension on your side, can turn that away. No matter how hard you try later, it never comes back! I guess I realized that the hardest possible way. I waited long for that one chance to come back again, but it never came.

Wise men from the mountains say, sometimes its so hard to get over things that you rather live it……


Back in 2005 was when she came to my life. Since then she has been with me all through my ups and downs, on every walk of life. She cheered me up when I was low, turned my happiness into ecstasy and even kept me awake and put me off to sleep. The association was unimaginably intricate. And it happened on saturday morning, when I decide to give her an update. She refused to take anymore….

“The ipod that you plugged in is corrupted. Try disconnecting and connecting back again. If the problem persists please try a restore”, said my Mac!

And all I wanted to do was to transfer a new song that has been looping on my laptop for the past few hours! A restoration would mean erase those precious collections over ages, that I passed on to her. So I decided to leave her that way. So all she now does is to sit on the dock and play what she already knows! I guess that’s what is called an old age 🙂

And I bought a new one 😀