Another one …

I have heard several movies which were inspired by several other movies. But hey, what about books being inspired by other books ! First it was “Snapshots from Hell” (although I never managed to catch hold of this), then came “Five Point Someone” , and now it is “Mediocre but Arrogant” . But the reason I bought this book, the first line on this book says “I don’t know how I landed in this corporate jungle” (well, thats not the only reason, but still…. 🙂 ). I just started reading it, and the fact that the book does not involve complex literature, should let me finish it off soon too !

Offbeat : I came across this interesting review on “Five Point Someone” a couple days back, over here .

It was a bad and sad weekend that went by, with me, practically spending all my time sitting idle at home – what with my ankle suddenly deciding to make its presence felt, by giving a slight twist to to its tale, making my walk look even better !! 😉

school !!!

I’ve never felt this strong an urge to go back to school and to studies again !!! All through my (12+4) years of schooling I have never felt this love for studying. But now, after 2+ years of work, I want to go back, go back to the days of school. I would love to carry big textbooks, sit in the library for long hours, listen to a class in a proper classroom, walk back to the hostel room, spend long hours into the night studying (NOT working !!). These are things which I rarely did when I actually was in school ! 😦

Time ….

Time is the wierdest thing in the whole wide world. I have never been able to fathom why certain things happen the way it happens when it involves Time. Think about this…..

Imagine this situation, when you are waiting for someone or something to happen and you decide to do something to while away the Time. You invariably finish it off in no Time, everything moves fast, and you find a lot more Time left. But what if you just decide to stand there and wait, doing nothing ? Everything around you moves as slow as they can possibly be, and the Time crawls. WHY WHY WHY !!!! Reminds me of a few lines from “Time” by Pink Floyd

Ticking away the moments that make up a dull day
You fritter and waste the hours in an off hand way
Kicking around on a piece of ground in your home town
Waiting for someone or something to show you the way


Every year is getting shorter, never seem to find the time
Plans that either come to naught or half a page of scribbled lines ………..